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Blessing Glory

The Hebrew word for glory is kâbôwd , meaning the weighty, honorable, abundant, rich presence of God. Did you realize the presence of God releases blessings to us? Psalm 49:16 states, “Do not be afraid when one becomes rich, when the glory of his house is increased.”

The more we encounter the presence of God, the more His glory transforms us from the inside out. It is impossible to experience glory and not be blessed – both spiritually and naturally. Of course we do not engage with God because we want His blessing. We seek the presence of God because being with the Blesser is our greatest blessing. Everything else is a bonus and by-product for our benefit.

It is okay to accept the fact that glory will produce wealth and increase in our lives because there are riches and wealth in the presence of God. The greatest riches God desires to give us is supernatural. It is connected to the glory of God because glory is supernatural. Glory naturally releases riches in every area of our lives.

When I studied the word glory more carefully, it was as if the words abundance and riches jumped out and offered a fresh revelation I had not previously considered. Again, I will emphasize, the goal of perusing the presence of God is not to acquire material, tangible wealth. Our worship must always originate from a pure place without ulterior motives. It is good to know though, how God allows us to be blessed as a result of coming in contact with His glory. Isn’t He such a great Father like that?

So as the Psalmist declared, “Do not be afraid when one becomes rich, when the glory of his house is increased.” The more we press into God and pursue His glory, the richer we become, particularly in our soul. We should recognize that all of our blessings come from God and the greatest blessing is simply being with our glorious God.

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